Telephone:   8122290580


Members of Road Sprinkler Fitters Local 669 install automatic fire protection systems in all types of construction, including industrial, institutional, commercial, and residential. This includes underground supply piping, which is connected to an integrated overhead piping system for suppression of fires.

Sprinkler Fitters are required to lay out, install, and maintain a wide variety of fire protection systems such as wet systems, dry systems (which are used in cold storage or attics where

temperatures are below 42 degrees). Sprinkler Fitters also install and maintain specialty fire protection systems such as pre-action, deluge, foam, FM 200, CO2, and dry chemical systems.

Sprinkler Fitters install all these different types of fire protection systems in new or existing construction, including factories and manufacturing facilities, sports arenas, office buildings, libraries, warehouses, nursing homes and hospitals, schools and universities, and research and development facilities. Our Sprinkler Fitters are very proud to say that our trade saves lives and property.

Locally, Purdue University work sites include the Active Learning Center, Honors College, Football Performance Complex, Creighton Hall, and the Rolls Royce facility. Commercial work includes Westminster Village in West Lafayette. Industrial work includes Subaru  Indiana Automotive.

Road Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 669 is a nationwide local union. This gives the members of Local 669 the flexibility to work in almost any part of the United States they would like to seek employment.

The 318 members in District 29 serve 28 northern Indiana counties and 11 counties in southwest Michigan.

Established: 1915           
Members: 318 in District 29
Counties served: District 29 covers 28 northern Indiana counties and 11 counties in southwest Michigan
Membership benefits: Employment opportunities, overtime pay, health and hospitalization plans and pension/retirement plan.
National association: Road Sprinkler Fitters.

Shawn Broadrick- Business Manager

Brian W. Dunn,Fin Sec/Treas

James E.Tucker,Pres/Organizer
7050 Oakland Mills Road, Suite 200    
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: (410) 381-4300    Fax: (301) 621-8045

Matt J. Ley, Business Agent, District 29

Andrew Meyers,Organizer,District 29

Phone: (219) 338-0071    Fax: (260) 338-0072                           Apprenticeship Contact-Charles Ketner
www.sprinklerfitters669.org                                                             (800) 638-0592,*811