A Boilermaker erects and maintains various types of pressure vessels.
These include small boilers in schools and hospitals, coal-fired boilers in power generation plants,blast furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces in the steel industry, precipitators and scrubbers which clean the exhaust from these furnaces and boilers, and numerous other tanks and pressurized containment vessels in industrial plants.
Boilermakers Local 374 is a statewide local with 1,200 members.
The Boilermakers are dedicated to providing expertise to all companies and owners. Our training centers located in Hammond and Dale train our apprentices in all aspects of the Boilermaker trade. Our new rigging center in Dale is second to none.
All Boilermakers of Local 374 are part of the MOST (Mobilization, Optimization, Stabilization and Training)Program.
This program gives contractors access to members’ welding and training certifications 24 hours a day. In this
program,100%of Boilermakers dispatched to job sites have been drug tested annually and have10-hour OSHA training.
Established: International, 1893; Local, 1936
Members: 1,000 in Indiana
Membership Benefits: Competitive wages, overtime pay, health, hospitalization, vision and dental, annuity, pension and retirement plans.
National association: International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, Iron Ship Builders, Blacksmiths, Forgers and Helpers, AFL-CIO.
Business Officers
Daniel Mcwhirter Bus.Mgr.
Assistant Business Managers Per Zone-Dan Sullivan,Bill Wasko,Tim Brumfeild,Jason Struzik,Doug Ewell,Dave Willis
6333 Kennedy Ave. Hammond IN 46323
219-845-1065 fax 219-845-1065
4777 E. CR 2100N Dale,IN 47523
812-937-9720 fax 812-937-9722
799 Johnson Rd. Terra Haute IN 47802
812-917-4102 fax 812 917-4084